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In real-estate the 3 key elements are location, location and location. Similarly for your company to grow in sales and increase your brand impact, the 3 key elements are your video, your video and your video. In today’s social media and Netflix world, if you do not have a powerful, inspiring, and informative company video, you are swimming against a tsunami. Without video production, you are performing Herculean efforts to get ahead but you are ultimately underusing your sales, marketing and branding resources that are not returning good results. That’s where we come in. We help you capture and communicate your message in corporate videos, podcasts, vlogs, and in-house productions that will inform your clients and employees as well as “bring them into” the energy, the excitement, and the compelling reasons of why prospects should do business with you, and why your team members are excited to be on board.

  • Your message and your narrative

  • Your product, you service and your audience

  • Your company video

  • Your ongoing messages on podcasts, vlogs and training modules

  • Product videos

  • Events and conference filming

  • Copyright, commercials and advertising

  • How to build your in-house studio

  • How to build your in-house production team

  • Building a strategic plan for local, regional and national reach

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